SENTRY integration in your React Native App for Error/Crash tracking

Sentry captures data by using an SDK within your application’s runtime

Sentry is a cloud-based error monitoring and logging platform that helps developers track and fix issues in their applications. It provides real-time insights into errors and crashes that occur within an application, allowing developers to quickly identify and resolve issues before they affect end-users. 

Sentry offers a variety of features that can help developers quickly identify, diagnose, and fix errors in their applications. Some of these features include:

  • Error monitoring: Sentry automatically captures errors and exceptions that occur within an application and provides real-time notifications when new errors are detected. This allows developers to quickly identify and diagnose issues before they become major problems.
  • Logging: In addition to error monitoring, Sentry also provides logging capabilities that allow developers to capture and analyze application logs in real-time. This can be useful for debugging and troubleshooting issues that don’t necessarily result in an error.
  • Release tracking: Sentry allows developers to track errors across different versions of their application, making it easy to see which errors are new and which have been resolved. This can be particularly useful for identifying regression issues and ensuring that new releases are stable.
  • Custom alerts: Sentry allows developers to create custom alerts that are triggered when specific errors or conditions occur within an application. This can be useful for notifying developers of critical issues or for monitoring specific parts of an application.
  • Integration with other tools: Sentry integrates with a variety of other development tools, including Slack, JIRA, GitHub, and more. This makes it easy to share error information with other team members and to integrate error monitoring into existing workflows.

Lets start with Sentry Integration part-

1. Add the @sentry/react-native dependency:

 npm install — save @sentry/react-native

2. Initialize the SDK by calling method :

import * as Sentry from “@sentry/react-native”; Sentry.init({ dsn: “”, tracesSampleRate: 1.0, enabled: envVariables.IS_SENTRY_ENABLED, });

3. Now wrap your App component with Sentry.wrap() : 

Wrapping your app with Sentry to automatically instrument it with touch event tracking and automatic performance monitoring.

export default Sentry.wrap(App);

 Once this is done, all unhandled exceptions will be automatically captured by Sentry. 

To Test our Sentry setup we may try –
Making a native crash using code:


Creating intentional error :

throw new Error(“My first Sentry error!”);


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